The Silent Struggle: How the Economy is Hurting Animal Sanctuaries


Animal sanctuaries have long been sanctuaries for animals in need, providing a safe haven for those rescued from abuse, neglect, or exploitation. These sanctuaries serve a vital role in protecting and caring for animals that would otherwise suffer. However, what many people don’t realize is that these sanctuaries are facing their own crisis – one that is driven by economic challenges. In this blog post, we’ll explore how the economy is hurting animal sanctuaries and why it’s crucial to support them during these trying times.

1. Rising Operational Costs

Animal sanctuaries require significant financial resources to operate. They must provide food, shelter, veterinary care, and enrichment for their resident animals. Additionally, staff and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the animals’ well-being. As the cost of living and inflation rise, so do the operational costs for these sanctuaries. This leaves them struggling to make ends meet and puts the animals’ welfare at risk.

2. Decreased Donations

Economic downturns often lead to decreased charitable giving. When individuals and businesses face financial uncertainty, their ability to donate to causes they care about diminishes. Animal sanctuaries heavily rely on donations from the public to sustain their operations. The reduction in financial support directly impacts their ability to rescue and care for animals, often leading to a backlog of animals in need.

3. Closure of Volunteer Programs

Volunteers play a crucial role in animal sanctuaries. They provide not only free labor but also a deep sense of community and support. During economic downturns, many people are forced to prioritize paid work over volunteering, leading to a shortage of helping hands at sanctuaries. Without volunteers, the sanctuaries are stretched thin, struggling to provide adequate care for their animals.

4. Limited Expansion and Rescue Capacity

Animal sanctuaries dream of expanding their operations to rescue more animals and create better living conditions for their current residents. However, economic difficulties make it challenging to secure funding for expansion projects. This means that many sanctuaries have to turn away animals in need due to a lack of space, further compounding the suffering of animals who desperately require refuge.

5. Increased Competition for Grants

As more nonprofits face financial hardship during economic crises, the competition for grants and funding becomes fiercer. Animal sanctuaries find themselves vying for limited resources, which may not be sufficient to meet their needs. This can lead to missed opportunities for funding that could have supported the rescue and care of animals.


Animal sanctuaries are a beacon of hope for animals in distress, but they are not immune to the economic challenges that affect us all. The rising operational costs, decreased donations, limited volunteer availability, and competition for grants are all hurdles that sanctuaries must overcome to continue their vital work. As individuals who care about the welfare of animals, we have a responsibility to support these organizations in any way we can.

If you’re looking for ways to help, consider donating to your local animal sanctuary, volunteering your time, or spreading awareness about their work. Every little bit counts and can make a significant difference in the lives of the animals they care for. Let’s ensure that animal sanctuaries receive the support they need to weather economic storms and continue their mission of providing a safe and loving home for animals in need.

Ryan Eggold Shines a Light on Factory Farming: A Wake-Up Call to Animal Welfare

Ryan Eggold, known for his acting prowess, is not just a talented actor; he’s also an advocate for animal welfare. In this blog, we’ll explore how Ryan Eggold has used his platform to shed light on the grim reality of factory farming and the importance of addressing the ethical concerns surrounding it.

The Shocking Truth of Factory Farming:

Factory farming is a massive and often hidden industry that produces the majority of the world’s meat, dairy, and eggs. In these facilities, animals are subjected to cramped and unsanitary conditions, routine antibiotic use, and cruel practices aimed at maximizing production efficiency. These conditions compromise animal welfare and raise ethical concerns.

Ryan Eggold’s Advocacy:

Ryan Eggold has been a vocal advocate for animal welfare, using his fame to draw attention to the issues of factory farming. Through interviews, social media posts, and participation in campaigns, he has worked tirelessly to raise awareness about the harsh realities faced by animals in factory farms.

Promoting Ethical Choices:

One of the key messages Ryan Eggold promotes is the importance of making ethical choices in our consumption habits. By reducing or eliminating our support for factory farming, we can contribute to a more humane treatment of animals and a more sustainable food system. He encourages people to explore plant-based diets, support local and sustainable farming practices, and advocate for animal welfare reforms.

The Impact of Celebrity Advocacy:

Ryan Eggold’s efforts, like those of other celebrities who use their influence for good, have a significant impact. His ability to reach a broad audience amplifies the message of animal welfare and encourages people to think more critically about the source of their food.

The Path Forward:

Factory farming is a complex issue with far-reaching consequences for animals, the environment, and public health. While it may seem daunting, positive changes are possible when individuals, organizations, and influential figures like Ryan Eggold work together to advocate for a more compassionate and sustainable food system.


Ryan Eggold’s advocacy for animal welfare and his dedication to shedding light on the dark world of factory farming deserve our recognition and support. By following his lead and taking steps to make informed and ethical choices about the food we consume, we can contribute to a better future for animals and our planet. It’s time to stand up for the voiceless and work towards a more compassionate world.

The Truth About Turkeys: Sentient, Affectionate, and Under Threat


When we think of turkeys, many of us envision a Thanksgiving centerpiece or a delicious sandwich filler. However, there’s much more to these birds than meets the eye. In this blog, we delve into the truth about domestic turkeys, shedding light on their sentience, affectionate nature, the staggering number killed each year, and what their natural life span should be.


Contrary to popular belief, domestic turkeys are sentient beings. They possess the ability to perceive and experience the world around them. These birds are not just automatons; they have emotions, feel pain, and have the capacity to form bonds with others. Studies have shown that turkeys can express a wide range of emotions, from happiness to fear, and they have complex social structures within their flocks.

Affectionate Nature:

Turkeys may not be the first animals that come to mind when you think of affection, but they are surprisingly social and affectionate creatures. In a natural setting, turkeys are known to groom each other, form close-knit groups, and even show signs of protecting their young. These behaviors highlight their emotional depth and social intelligence.

The Grim Reality:

Each year, a staggering number of domestic turkeys are raised and slaughtered for their meat. In the United States alone, millions of turkeys are killed annually to meet the demand for Thanksgiving and other holiday feasts. This industrial scale of production often involves crowded and stressful conditions for these birds, leaving them with little room to express their natural behaviors.

Natural Life Span:

In their natural habitat, wild turkeys can live up to 10 years or more. However, the lifespan of domestic turkeys is dramatically shorter due to their use in the meat industry. Most domestic turkeys are slaughtered at a mere 5 to 6 months of age, far short of their potential life expectancy.

The Importance of Sanctuaries:
Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary and similar organizations play a crucial role in raising awareness about the plight of domestic turkeys. These sanctuaries provide a safe haven for rescued turkeys, allowing them to live out their natural lives in a more compassionate environment.


It’s time to recognize domestic turkeys for who they truly are: sentient, affectionate beings with a right to a life free from unnecessary suffering. By supporting organizations like Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary and making informed choices about the food we consume, we can take steps towards a more compassionate world for turkeys and all animals.

Stella Turkey
Zelda Turkey

The Silent Suffering: The Abuse Farmed Sheep Face


As consumers, we often enjoy the soft warmth of wool and the delightful taste of lamb dishes, but little do we realize the hidden price paid by farmed sheep. Behind the picturesque farms lie a dark and distressing reality – the systemic abuse and mistreatment of these gentle creatures. In this blog, we will shed light on the harrowing plight of farmed sheep, revealing the suffering they endure in the pursuit of commercial gain.

Confinement and Overcrowding

One of the most distressing aspects of factory farming is the cruel confinement and overcrowding of sheep. These sentient animals are often kept in cramped spaces, with no room to roam or express natural behaviors. The stress from overcrowding leads to a weakened immune system, making them more susceptible to diseases and infections.


Mulesing is a painful practice that involves cutting away strips of skin from the sheep’s rear to prevent flystrike, a condition caused by flies laying eggs in the folds of their skin. This practice is carried out without anesthesia and leaves the sheep in excruciating pain. Despite efforts to find alternative methods, this cruel procedure continues to be used in some regions.

Lack of Proper Veterinary Care

In pursuit of maximizing profits, many industrial farms often neglect providing proper veterinary care to the sheep. Injuries, illnesses, and infections are left untreated, resulting in needless suffering and prolonged agony for the animals.

Stressful Shearing Practices

Shearing, essential for harvesting wool, is often done hastily, with little regard for the welfare of the sheep. The process can be traumatic, causing injuries and cuts to their sensitive skin. Some shearers prioritize speed over the sheep’s well-being, resulting in careless handling and added stress.

Transport Conditions

Transportation is another area where farmed sheep face extreme abuse. Long and arduous journeys to slaughterhouses are common, during which sheep are packed tightly in trucks without sufficient ventilation, food, or water. The exhaustion, dehydration, and fear experienced during transportation add to their already miserable lives.

Slaughterhouse Cruelty

The horror does not end at the farm; it escalates at the slaughterhouse. Sheep are subjected to cruel and inhumane practices, often without proper stunning or slaughter methods. Some animals are conscious during the slaughtering process, further amplifying their suffering.


The abuse farmed sheep face is a tragedy that must not be overlooked. As consumers, we hold the power to demand change. By supporting ethical and sustainable farming practices, we can promote a future where sheep are treated with respect, compassion, and dignity.

Consider opting for products that carry the “cruelty-free” or “ethically sourced” label, which ensures that the sheep were treated humanely throughout their lives. Encourage and support local farmers who prioritize the welfare of their animals. Together, we can advocate for stronger animal welfare regulations and put an end to the silent suffering of farmed sheep. Let us stand as the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves and create a world where all animals are treated with kindness and love.

Lisa M. Miskella
Executive Director
Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary

Kapparos Chickens

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement,is coming soon, and with it comes the annual culture war over a ceremony called Kapparot, in which a chicken is slaughtered just before the holy day.

Each year on the eve of Yom Kippur, chickens—roosters for men and hens for women—serve as stand-ins for devotees to atone for their sins. As each performs the ceremony and swings a bird above their head three times, the worshipers recite a prayer asking God to allow them to atone by slaughtering the chicken.

Once the prayer is complete, the chicken is killed. It is thought that performing the rite could protect people from any misfortune or danger in the coming year, the chicken already having taken on the burden.

The chickens used for atonement are raised in extremely crowded conditions, brought under inhumane conditions to those who follow the custom, and are often left to wait long hours without food and water, until their slaughter.”

Not all even survive long enough to take part in the ritual. “Some of them dehydrate and die in agony while waiting and some of those who survive till the end continue to expire and twitch in agony until finally succumbing to their death,” the appeal said.

Each year, as many as 50,000 chickens are killed during the Kapparot rituals in Brooklyn.

Here at Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary, we have taken in chickens that have been rescued from this ritual in Brooklyn. We are planning on taking in two more this year.

These chickens are Cornish Cross chickens which are bred to be slaughter at just a few weeks old. They gain weight very rapidly. So as they continue to grow, they end up weighing too much for their legs to hold and end up with joint problems. Because they are jumbo in size, they can also suffer from organ failure. We need to monitor the diet closely and make sure they get enough exercise to keep them healthy.

This is a photo of one of our past rescues, Oz

Petition: Levi’s Uses Leather on its Jeans

Levi’s claims that production follows the industry “best practices”. “Investigations shared by PETA have repeatedly shown that the leather industry subjects animals to intensive confinement inside filthy cages or pens; castration, branding, and tail-docking without pain relief; chronic infections and disease caused by extreme crowding; and a terrifying trip to the abattoir.”

The horrific abuse and slaughter is beyond sickening. Please sign to show your agree.

For more details and to sign petition, please click HERE.